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21st Century Connectivity and the 31st Human Right Brought to West Africa by Partners and Imcon International and Imcon International partner to couple immediate connectivity with the 31st Human Right to create a next generation digital operating model for countries beginning with letter of Intent in Republic of Liberia.


Princeton, New Jersey – June 19th – (BUSINESS WIRE), a blockchain company designed to create decentralized human rights has partnered with Imcon International, Inc., the immediate connectivity services provider behind the Internet Backpack to expand connectivity and human rights in West Africa. As indicated in the Joint Letter of Intent recently signed by the Republic of Liberia, Imcon International and, the goal is to “design, install, test and run a next generation Digital Operating Model … which includes next generation hardware, software, connectivity, and a blockchain-built citizen policy framework starting with the 31st Human Right for the citizens of the Republic of Liberia.”

The Joint Letter of Intent resulted from recent face-to-face meetings in Monrovia between executives and several high-ranking officials of the Government of Liberia including the Minister of Education, the Minister of Post and Telecommunications, and the Deputy Minister of Health Services for the Ministry of Health. The officials agreed that Liberia would achieve a special place of honor by being the first nation in West Africa to take part in this unique joint initiative. Dr. Francis N. Kateh, Chief Medical Officer Deputy Health Minister for Health Services, Republic of Liberia highlighted “the benefits that the Digital model will provide to the country’s healthcare sector.” The next wave of digital citizens in West Africa will have an unprecedented experience and the citizens of Liberia will be the first beneficiaries.

Agreements with other nations in the region, including Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Gambia, Sao Tome/ Principe, Benin, and Cote d’Iviore (Ivory Coast), are expected to follow. Representing approximately 290 million individuals, these countries have an average Internet penetration rate of 4-8%. Incom International plans to increase the number of internet users to 40% of the population within three years. Imcon’s Internet Backpack allows users to connect to the Internet from over 90% of planet and utilizing various radio frequency internal to create internal networks over large spaces.  Users also enjoy a streamlined experience via Imcon’s proprietary narrow-bandwidth utilities which do not rely on the presence of large telephone and Internet carriers.

The next hundred-million new digital citizens connected by the Imcon Internet Backpack will have a unique advantage among the billions online today: they will have control over their blockchain-enabled human rights from day one of their digital life, via First of these rights is “legal ownership of their inherent human data as property” defined by as the 31st human right, an addition to the existing 30 rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and bestowed to every human at birth. 

Richie Etwaru, Founder and CEO at states: “Through this first private-public partnership we make sure all citizens, not only the developed world, have ownership of their inherent human data as property. This new population is unique, as they would join the Internet with the 31st Human Right already built in.” In Liberia alone, legal ownership of inherent human data as property has the potential to increase GDP by 3%. 

“This is an enormous opportunity to expand connectivity and human rights throughout Liberia and West Africa,” said Dr. Dale Meyerrose, Chairman of the Board, Imcon International, Inc. “Furthermore, we believe we are uniquely positioned to change the GDP of these countries and improve education and healthcare through this increased connectivity and Human Right #31. We are proud to be a partner in this incredibly worthy humanitarian project.”


About is the world’s first and only organization developing human rights and corollary sovereign laws in a decentralized manner on blockchains. The company has headquarters in New Jersey, USA and operates in multiple countries. The leadership team includes over two dozen senior executives from Fortune 500 companies, academic scholars, and senior policy advisors from North America, Europe, Australia and Africa. The vision of is a world where the next generation of human rights and policies emerge from a balance of centralized power and decentralized technologically empowered communities. The mission is to create the 31st human right in a decentralized manner as an example for other organizations and visionaries to follow.

For more information please visit


About Imcon International Inc.

Imcon International, Inc., is an immediate connectivity solutions provider. ImCon is developing edgeware services and device solutions, such as the Internet Backpack, which conform to the Open Specifications Model for the Internet of Things v0.5. The Internet Backpack is a remote connectivity solution utilizing narrow-bandwidth utilities which allows users to be able to communicate from almost every location on the planet.  The Internet Backpack also allows users to create internal wireless networks with large coverage areas utilizing various radio frequencies.

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Glenn Zimmerman

Chief Communications Officer [email protected] +1.800.946.9152


Imcon International

Chris Coello, Coello and Company

[email protected]


[email protected]


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